Welcome to the metaApps, the home of metaBlog and other useful apps.
Investigating RSS More Thoroughly
I am looking into this whole RSS thing more thoroughly to see how it can best be used within the metaApps framework, and perhaps in metaBlog.
I really like the idea of metaBlog users being able to aggregate news utilizing RSS feeds from their favorite sites. Stay tuned for more on this matter.
Posted by Bryan
@ 2:55 PM
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It's ALIVE!!!
I've been working for some time now on my own blogging utility (tool for creating and updating a web log), and it's almost done.
Actually it is done. What you are reading here is rendered by the metaBlog content engine (that's my cool utility). It will be available to everyone soon.
I should state for the record that by "everyone" I mean people using .NET. That's right, it is for ASP.NET only. I am considering doing what some of the others do and build the files on my server and then upload them to yours, but as I said, that has yet to be determined.
Posted by Bryan
@ 5:34 PM
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What Language Do You Use?
I use VB. Specifically, I use VB.NET. Once in a while I have to go back to VB 6, but that is rarer and rarer these days (thank god).
I also do javascript and have done C++. One of these days I will get myself familiar with the C syntax again and look into C# (only after I am thoroughly familiar with the .NET CLR and all of the assorted classes.
So what do you use? Talkback.
Posted by Bryan
@ 10:48 AM
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